Roger Sanford
CEO, Chairman, Partner
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller
“Roger can see through the shell into the core and potential of any idea, person, and program. His wide breadth of experience in life and business qualifies him to be the developer and innovator for successful programs in almost any business setting. He knows how to build a team that can get the job done. It was a pleasure to work with this true leader. “ – Debi Cohn
“I consider myself a Silicon Valley Web pioneer. Early to the web (one of the first 10 to adopt Mosaic in 1993), I made my career providing what others call ‘_out -of-the-box solutions’ _for Fortune 100 companies, Silicon Valley start-ups that became household names and non-profit organizations. Of the over 30 start-ups I had a hand in, Hcare Health™ has the most potential to benefit humanity. As the first Delaware Public Benefit Corporation dedicated to health, we are driven by our values. We began this process with one thing in mind, to reduce human suffering, leveraging proven AI and using privacy solutions at scale to empower doctors, their teams, and patients.”